Thursday, December 31, 2009

I had a feeling all along that this couldn't be true!!

'Just Summer Moonshine!' Indeed, it was. This is a dedication to a very special person, a certain Jane, if you must know, to the extremely curious reader. I certainly wouldn't want Jane to get a hold of this, not right now in the least. When the years roll by, and Jane is still where she ought to be in my heart, I'll let her catch a glimpse of this little piece of -let me call it- elegant scribble. A dreamy sort of something, alliteration put aside, has descended upon me, and it's not being too hard on my emotions. Well, before I induge in what I'd like to call the hippity-hop-a-skip-a-hop phenomenon, which, by the way, is not exclusive to me, let me get straight to the point. Like Mr.Bond, Ruskin, I believe I am the sort of person who treads that zigzag path, pursuing the diagonal between reason and the heart. This small illustration should suffice, to explain the aforementioned phenomenon, if you indeed wish to call it one. Let's get straight back on the train, because I don't want to start all over again.

It isn't too often that skies open up and nimbus clouds pave the way for angels to descend to that one time haven of mine. I've spent many a hour in the dust and the grime, in this sanctuary for people who considered one certain passion more important than life or death. 

The raindrops were falling on my head!
And there she was, Jane!!

Then, there was that walk in the summer! I wonder if the moon was out that night!! 
Summer moonshine? I wonder if it was true!

Stardust, Z

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sands of Time

It was cold, as we would perceive it to be, in the land where time and space are explained by laws yet unknown to us. A beautiful creature clad in white, shimmering in the darkness, was walking along a lonely boulevard which led to nothing but vast emptiness. The only source of light was a great luminous monolith that stood beyond the horizon. The sky was always bright and always dark; a weird call of eternity echoing off non-existent walls.

There was always a gentle breeze disturbing the calm, and when Her white gown fluttered the silence was broken by an ethereal melody. She picked up a fistful of sand with one elegant hand and gently let the sand flow into Her other palm, almost like in a hour glass. The sand grains slowly formed a heap in Her palm. She didn't want this seemingly uninteresting process to end. However, the harder She tried to grip the sand in Her fist, the faster the grains slipped out of Her grasp until none were left. Exasperated, She lifted Her palm up to Her lips; nobody has ever heard Her speak but rumour has it that the sound that Her lips issue will persist  forever. And then, lovingly She blew them away.

An ordinary act, but one only had to look at the sand closely.

After all ....
"The wind is free, but the sand goes where it is blown.

Unaware of the world around it, whirling on the breath of the Gods, at the mercy of the storm that engulfs it.

What is one grain of sand in the desert?

One grain amongst the storm?

(The quoted part is from the POP game in which Elika is one of the 2 protagonists.)

They occur in different shapes and sizes, but every grain of sand is special in its own way and She knew it. As they dropped from Her fist to Her palm, each grain shone in its own way, a myriad of colours ensued as they were lit up by that great source of light. The grains were then thrust out into the open and were left at the mercy of the winds. She had probably done enough for them.

The wind will take them all to different places, but it is believed that one day they will all end up where it started.

(There is a story about the grains of sand on the coasts of Africa. The grains are formed from rocks up in the mountains and the rivers carry them down to the coast. From there, the winds carry them across the deserts all the way over to the other end of the continent and then the ocean currents carry them all the way back to the coast.)

Monday, August 24, 2009


A list of unfinished posts of mine!! ( Last edited on)
  • In the Doldrums 21/08/09
  • Concerning Idiots!! 03/08/09
  • sands of time 25/06/09
  • Nobody said it was easy!! 31/05/09
  • wiki'ing 30/05/09
  • This Lizard of Ours 23/04/09
  • Concerning Idiots - Reviews 19/04/09
  • If I had just one wish! 04/04/09
  • Purpose! 01/04/09
  • Random Walks and Mozilla Firefox 01/04/09
  • The Fish of Mordor 11/03/09
  • Strings, pressure variations, vibrations and electrical impulses 10/02/09
  • Golden boots 02/02/09
  • Learning to Fly 02/10/08
  • Peregrinations from 'lout' to 'maul'. WL 29. 13/09/08

I don't know! I don't know!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Half a page of scribbled lines!!

I just had an epiphany! It was a sudden explosion of creative energy that had accumulated in my subconscious mind. For a second I could see the regularity in all the randomness! It was Eric Hoffer, an American social writer and philosopher, who said, "creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature." The time is gone, (its almost 12) the song (Time - P.F) is over!! I thought I had something more to say.
Spotting regularity in a random pattern might be possible. If indeed life is a random process with a certain mean (which is of course time varying!) , is there a regularity that can be noticed in a single individual. OK ..fart only! But I think a lot of people speculate and think along these lines.

Ok ..time for Bohemian Rhapsody!!
Is this the real life? Is the following just fantasy?
It sure is amazing how a nimbus cloud can change your life! It was an amazing cloud! For a minute or so it was raining only over 'there' and in a flash the wind swept it over to where I was!

Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me!
Well, that is it I'd say! Half a page of scribbled lines!

Got to leave this all behind and find the truth!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In my heart !!

Lord, I want to be up in my heart
Be, ohh, just in my heart, oh Lord!

I want to be, just in my heart!
Oh Seigneur! Je veux ĂȘtre en place dans mon coeur! (courtesy Google Language tools)

"The one thing most important is the one we take for granted
And until your life is on that line I think it's the way God had planned it!"

In a few years a new book will hit the stores!
"The autobiography of a Sink -> ngi-rru-unthing-apu-kani!! I kept on eating!"
by Kowshik Wishwanathan a.k.a Sink, Kutraj, PM, Cow, Saha Baba or just Baba. Oh yeah! The second years gave him a new undie max name --> Coolie!
WOW! Coolie is way more cooler than ChuChu!

There is only one Keano! All hell willeth be released upon his whim! Captain Fantastico!

So ... so you think you can tell heaven from hell and those blue eyes ..... a green field that its green and the veil to get the hell outta there so I can see that smile! I am a hero for ghosts and hot Ash is for despos! I'd rather not exchange cold comfort for change, especially in Chennai! (change as in chillar .. of course metaphorical change is always welcome. Life nalli yaavaglu forward aagi irabeku ...anthe life la eppudu forward ga unnali ...and for that you need change ..or you could just set your watch 30 mins ahead in time.) If I swim in the fish bowl there won't be any fish left behind! Hahahaha .. pure evil ... its a new biscuit packet! Britannia Pure Evil!!
My 4 kulchas and PBM ... how I wish you were here .... I'm barely able to walk .. talk about running over some arbit grounds .... but yeah the fear is real!

I hunger!

And there is always one place .. in my heart .. Oh Lord!

I hunger!
Grub me now!
Grub me now!
Grub! Grub! Grub!

Eyes see later!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shawshank Redemption

I saw it tonight!
It is the most beautiful movie I have ever seen!!

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Loss and losing!

How to become a Super Saiyan?
Goku: "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You must create that need."
Gohan: "But, hooow ?"
Goku: " Use the pain of loss."

'Lost and will never find' list.
1. The joy of winning gold at Inter IIT.
2. The joy of winning Footer Schroeter.
3. The joy of winning EPL (Elec premier league).
4. The joy of winning the Ghattu memorial tournament. (Sli T... but damn Kash boi .. idiot bulbed and got himself run out on the last ball ... we needed just 1 run to win)

'Lost and might find/win' list.

0. My stud football shoes. (and if I find the guy who stole em I will destroy the him. Believe me this.)
1. My ishtud cycle. (Tina madar)
2. Sangam 6 a side footer.
3. Some personal battles. (App included)

'Lost and found' list.

1. The nose support on my spectacles. I found it just now. (Motivation for this post)

Long, long ago, Moses told the slaves of the Pharoh something which sounded a lot like this:
"The Pharoh can take away your wealth, your home, your family and your freedom. The Pharoh can even take away your life. But there is one thing the Pharoh cannot take away, and that is your faith(

Winning and losing are both habits. I have lost a lot of battles in the past few months.

I will never lose hope.
Naruto kun ... you kick some Pain's ass!!

I like this song by the Cranberries vocalist --> "Ordinary Day" ....
'Beautiful girl!!! Won't you be my inspiration?
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
I'll never let you down
Won't let you down!

RIP Ero Sennin!

Later! says the Chu boy!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Uncertainty 1 !

An ancient proverb says, "To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, but to be certain is to be ridiculous."
It is difficult for me to write about uncertainty, because the philosophy is deep.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states
that the values of certain pairs of conjugate variables cannot both be known with exact precision. Maybe time and certainty form such a pair. Perhaps at the roots of all these thoughts (not mine), where philosophy and science converge, there lies a simple truth.

I don't like uncertainty, but it makes life exciting. Usually, it is at the end of uncertainty that joy and sadness arise.
( This is not a generalization.
Mark Twain :
"Every generalization is dangerous, especially this one." )
Sometimes uncertainty diverges.
When the mind is in a state of uncertainty the smallest impulse directs it to either side." (Doesn't always have to be a 2 state situation.)

People always wait for 'things' to happen! Do we need to?
Lt t--> (8<90) |x(t)| < X. Whatever! - The Chu boy has written!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gen Statements! (2)

Truth is truth.

House: "Religion is not the opiate of the masses. Religion is the placebo of the masses."
Wilson: "Even if an absolute truth exists, we can't know all of it."

Einstein: "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."

Wenger: "United are untouchables."

Arbit commentator : "They do produce center forwards in Bulgaria."

Fergie: "Giggs at absolute peak."

- You know my name!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What your heard is what I said! Kachinggggg!

"It was dark all around.
There was frost on the ground when the Tigers broke free!! "
-Pink Floyd

The Tyger (from the Songs of Experience)
-William Blake
"Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

Ikazzou .. it means lets start .. in Japanese! In some languages the ja sound doesn't exist .. so in zat languish....Japanese woooze propaply bespronounced as 'Yapanese' ! (Introduction to Modern Linguistics)
And some people pronounce 'Xavi' as 'Javi' or ''screeech'avi' (notice the quote ..structure ..its like a nested loop).

This is how an excited South American football commentator sounds ....
" nice run from the Onaldigaucho of the Brrazzil! he pass to the Kakkka ... Kakka ...ohhhh ...defflection from the Materazzi ... the ball go back to the defence of the Brazil ..but thats aa great deflection from O'behto Carlo'. Immerson pass to Obinho.... Obinho ..Obinho .. he pass to the Kakkka .. Kakka ...Kakkaaaa ..... goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooll
gooooooooooooooooooolllllll gooooooooooollll de Braziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllll! "

This one is in ' Idunowat' commentary when Bojan scored his 1st gol for Barca ..... he goes
" Boja (pronounced as Boya soya ..only its b for beans boya) Boja Boja
Boja Bojaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool de Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcelonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !" Its difficult to describe the arrrrra sound he used when he said Barcelona! "It was the heights of emotion!"

Ok Gennax!

You know my name!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gen statements!

Sometimes joy is uncertainty trivialized!! -- Chu boy

The waiting is killing me!

Wednesday .. THE MATCH ... Alak vs Saras ... do or die!

Damn the guy who stole my beautiful shoes!!

- You know my name!