Monday, June 13, 2011

Let it Roll!

I could say I have been loafing languidly in shady recesses lately. Perhaps could is inappropriate because I could have stated the same with half decent conviction. Well, when the times, challenged by inevitability, enter periods of dull gloom it has become common practice to spend time watching programmes on the television or the computer. Some such thing happened to this certain somebody last night.

I suppose television or the visual media, in some quarters of course, is unanimously thought to be a bad influence; books being better and the whole cultural upheaval thing, I know this is an ancient issue, but still. Unfortunately, the visual media has been embedded in the human way and we have to take it for what it is. I'm pretty sure some animals would nod in agreement too, one could think of domesticated animals occasionally being exposed to, probably disturbing (to the animal of course), gyrations of certain people. Obviously there are positive sides to this too, and by this I mean the television, and I shall explain why. I would also claim that there is no such thing as an unfortunate thing, but then I am reminded of a total and complete nutter who once said, "The Law of Discernible Pairs states that everything in the world, as we perceive it, occurs in pairs!"  I suppose most actual writers would concur with the following: what is written is a window to look back at the past, whether you like it or not. Now, I look back at what that nutter said and I think, that would disregard my aforementioned claim. Therefore, the fortunate has to coexist with the unfortunate, and this I find quite unfortunate!

More importantly, what I'm trying to say is that there have been questions flying around in my head. There comes a time in the life of every man when he starts to make certain generalizations about those ethereal people. These then become the seeds to a hundred new questions, mostly to do with the quests and conquests in life. Last night, I was watching a couple of episodes of this and one of that on television, and I would like to think that I could see a glimmer of direction that would lead me towards the answer. Hence, my claim that it is not as bad it is thought to be. I know I am not justifying anything here, indeed it is but a feeble imitation. The older readers would probably still feel, as would the new, that I am still unable to put together two coherent lines together. However, I am truly trying sanity now.  Sometimes, you need to see the dots to connect them and in the process you might miss a few. I have been called a blithe optimist, but don't you, my dear reader, think that there is sanity in optimism?

Well, this young boy I knew used to say, "Well constructed are the words of the wise!"
So I have been thinking, trying to find answers and this is the conclusion that I have arrived at:
"In all fairness, the world is probably fairer than we perceive it to be and probably not as fair as it was meant to be. " 

And then, I was watching this show and an amazing thing happened! In the background, there was Georgie boy, not the O Quinto Beatle, but the actual Beatle boy singing,
"Let it roll across the floor
Through the hall and out the door
To the fountain of perpetual mirth
Let it roll for all it's worth!"
And all the time roll sounded just like lol!

- Loler



Anupam Chakilam said...

Fk..this actually made sense dude. U have come a long way my boy. Proudness are came.

Raj said...

Pam macha .. I stopped the random trip a long long time ago.
Now I trip with a purpose.
These things happen to people!