Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Peregrination from 'lout' to 'maul'. WL 29.

On a dark, desert highway ....
Strangers passing in the street; by chance two separate glances met. (meet?)
I wonder if they could see each other in the dark....
And then she woke me up in the middle of the night ..

Are we all prisoners of our own maledictions??
Does God have malicious machinations ?
Are they just aberrations ??
What is fate ??
One thing is for sure, if you lose control over your destiny, you will become a canoe about to be tossed right into a maelstrom.
Is there no return ?
Is there a threshold, I mean a point of no return?

Peregrin Took ..did he get the name because he likes to travel??
I ask too many questions.


I don't know about this dark, desert highway ...
- Chu


I have no idea what that ^^^ was all about.
- Raj

Gone Away!

*Warning: Spoiler alert -> for people who haven't seen Inception or the latest episodes of Naruto Shippuuden*

Quite an eventful day, in front of a screen, it turned out to be. Home Alone for lunch, a little bit of the Spy Who Loved Me, the ending of The Truman Show and another bit from Life is Beautiful. I also spent a considerable amount of time listening to different versions of Ordinary World  and I was finally able to identify the song whose name had eluded me for over a year. And of course, Inception.

It was a pretty obvious connection for me, between the idea presented in Inception and the concept of Genjutsu in the Narutoverse. In both cases, there exists the notion of , I don't know if this would be the right way to express it, an alternate reality of sorts. After watching the movie, I got to thinking about what Itachi had to say about reality. "People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define 'reality'. But what does it mean to be 'correct' or 'true'? Merely vague concepts ... their 'reality' may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"   

Itachi's words are surely words of wisdom. The people who have seen Naruto/ read the manga would surely agree. All this thinking brings me back to the central theme, the ordinary world of mine. And so I sing,

Where is the world that I recognize? Gone Away ??

 - Raj

It's all for the best it's all a lie ...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gen stuff 3

"Childhood is measured out by sounds  and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows." John Betjeman

I saw the movie, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, yesterday. It's based on a novel by an Irish novelist John Boyne. The story is about living on the fringes of the Holocaust, from the point of view of a young boy. I can't, I'll stop. Just watch the movie if you can folks. It puts things in a whole new perspective, it did for me. 

The wind blows gently through the garden. Once again I have discovered that my abilities are inadequate to do justice ... but I guess that's fair enough. 

Growth is inevitable, but I wonder ... can I push the shadow back to the shadow whence it came from? Just a bit?

- The boy who used to play aeroplanes? 


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Say you want a revolution ?

The things that we do, the things that are done, sometimes, make me feel like I need a retreat. It doesn't weigh me down, on the contrary, at the end of it, it make me feel lighter and higher. Amazing things, revolution in the air, on the floor.

You know, every time I listen to Imagine, I see a peaceful world, some place like the Shire. My hammock under the shade of a couple of trees. A cool creek to the right and a small hut, from one of those fairy tale books, in the background with a little puff of smoke periodically puffing its way out of the little chimney. 

A day in the life....

A day out in the fields, with my straw hat on, chewing on a blade of grass. God did say, "some of the happiest people in the world come home smelling  to high heaven at the end of the day." Hang on to the thought; I need to digress for a bit, for I do deem the digression to be necessary.

A good author is able to exactly recreate an intended picture in the reader's mind. Or, maybe she just creates a skeletal framework of the picture and the readers are supposed to fill in the rest with their imagination and personal perception of things. I suppose it's the latter, but I'll resort to letting pictures help do a bit of the talking instead of words that would, in my well estimated opinion, surely do injustice to the lucid images I have in my mind.  

 Day out in the fields! ( Leaving the Shire, LOTR)
We're back. Nothing like a dip in the cool creek after a good day of hard work. And oh, then there was the nice game of football in the meadows, no shoes, no tactics, nothing too complicated.
Joy to the world!
Another dip, this time in a nearby pond, caught some fish for dinner. Then, it was time to set up a little fire; flint, hay from the fields, dry twigs from the woods was all we needed. A small gathering had arrived. We got some good old earthen mugs out and soon they were being filled with some home-made ale. All the good old ladies were busy concocting some good smelling, delectable delicacies.

Today was a special day though. One of the lads is getting married in a couple of weeks, there was a festive atmosphere about the place. There was some music, the lad started singing, "I want to hold your hand." There was merriment and dancing around the warm fire.  The stars were all out now and the gaffer kept the little kids entertained for a while. Soon, it was time for some of us to go out on the usual perimeter walk, along the little encircling canal. By the time we were back at the begining of our circle the folks had retired to their cosy abodes. As for some of the young lads, a hug and a kiss and the lasses were off too, while some other genially devious mischief makers were busy conspiring. Some of us, we sat beside the dying embers talking about things from yonder and things of wonder till the seduction of sleep was too strong to resist.

I set forth on my walk, under the stars beaming through the wispy clouds, to the eastern check-post. There lies a gently-sloping piece of rock that faces the eastern skies. I place my nice, straw hat beside me and with a little hay for a pillow, now , I lay down on the warm rock as the stars watch over me. I look at the stars for a while and the words keep ringing in my head,
"Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes, inviting and inciting me to rise
And through the window in the wall, come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning!"
I close my eyes, for I know, I'll be woken up by that sweet, soft whisper in my ear, "Said you want a revolution! Lil Darling, here comes the sun!" and a little morning .... 



- Me

Ruby valley, Nevada

PS: Thank you John, The Beatles and P. Floyd!