Monday, September 8, 2008

Look at the stars!

Ten thousand blue blistering barnacles.
Ten thousand and one blue blistering barnacles.
*Arbit guy shouts: "Hey captain ......." *
Damn .... I was counting ... and damn that Chcuk Nroris ... how did he do it??

Oho Oh ...
Ahoy Land lovers! Hell Oh!


You are about to embark on a course of action that might cost you your precious time. However, if you don't mind spending your time trying to understand what I'm saying, it might actually be a worthy endeavor.

Welcome aboard.

*I really should get back to mugging all those stupid word lists. I don't see the point. Well, I guess it is just a formality. I hate formalities.*

Color of the day: Oranje.
I like total football.

I am trying really hard, and I mean re e e e e ally hard, to find a central theme for my blog. This is analogous to the Grand Unification Theory that Einstein was trying to develop; a single law which can explain all the phenomenon in our universe.

I guess a Funny Man like me (thanks for the idea Synti boy) won't be able to understand quantum electrodynamics. After all, I'm just a 'lol'er who keeps 'lol'ing all the time.

People shouldn't underestimate 'lol'ers. The world finds solace in the presence of 'lol'ers like us. We might 'lol' a lot, but we aren't stupid. Love and 'Lol' is what keeps the world going.

String theory?
My 'LOL Theorem' will string all the puzzles of the universe together, and demystify every single phenomenon that you know or could possibly imagine. The potential of this concept is unfathomable. It isn't very complex, doesn't involve a lot of math, and if you know how to laugh, its just a piece of chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.

Where is my chicken biryani?
Mess food was very bad today.
As usual.

Some day, some where ........

I'll keep waiting .........

Keep 'LOL'ing junta.

I hope that at least one of you laughs after reading this.

If ( nobody laughs )
then (It doesn't mean that I'm not funny. I just have to be funnier.)
else ( I am funny. Hehee!)

I have one particular aim in my life.

Okay! One packet of Treat Orange Masti has been successfully devoured.

Save the world!
Good Night Dark Knights, Pretty Damsels and Angels from 1969!
Please don't wake me up in the middle of the night.

Who said gals/women can't be knights?? What about the Joan of Arc ??

Time for me to take a look at the stars.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Hell Oh!

I always end up writing stuff in the night. I should try posting in the morning. After all, the state variables are time varying quantities.

When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse, out of the corner of my eye.

I have to stop copy pasting lyrics from songs.

I need to improve my fitness. I refuse to give up now. This is my last year, my last chance. Uzumaki Naruto :"I will succeed."

I know.

Most of you probably think that my posts are all episodic.

I'll spare you guys the pain of going through my "Law of Discernible Pairs". I'll explain it some other time.

Damn it, I need to reach a stable equilibrium state.

Does "Quantum of Solace" make sense?
I think 'Quantum' refers to a discrete packet of a detectable/measurable entity.For example: quantum of energy. 'Solace' is a state. Are human feelings measurable entities?

'Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet.'

There I go again.

'Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes
inciting and inviting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning.'

..and again ....

ooh Chu who is this 'you' ??

Lite my boy, light. Photons. E = h*f.
Sunshine, daisies, butter, mellow , make this fat rat yellow.

I didn't gen use pink for this section.

Two idiots.
A:Ahhh .... look at the stars ...the albatross and the dodo..flying across the .... *Interrupted by B*
B:Dude! *Laughs* A dodo can't fly.
A:Idiot. They are extinct.

Save the world!
Good Night!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The time is 23:25.

I've never opened myself this way. Life is ours, we live it our way. All these words I don't just say and Nothing Else Matters. (Metallica)

I was hoping that I'd get my passport yesterday. However, the online status said that the passport was still being prepared and it would be dispatched within 7 days. I was disappointed. I couldn't wait any longer; it was too excruciating.

When you find out that you aren't really good at what you thought was the one thing you were actually amazing at, it hurts. It sure does.

I broke my glasses while playing football yesterday. It was a horrible game, I just wasn't my normal self, my confidence was low and it was diminishing.

I have enough statistical data to prove that I'm a lousy football player and an even lousier team player. I've missed so many penalties, let my team down on so many occasions. Last night, for the first time I really felt like giving up on football.

I always keep saying that we have to be optimistic and stay positive and all that fart. I don't know if I really mean it. Sometimes I do, when I'm happy and healthy. Preaching is easy. I almost came to the conclusion that I use this optimistic side to hide all of my failures and deepest regrets.

Now I know the truth.

Save the World
Good Night.

Uncle's Birthday

Hell Oh!

September 5, 2008.
Uncle is now 21+- 1 years old.

This was the first time we celebrated a birthday in our wing with cake and no bumps. Uncle is one lucky chap, we didn't give him the standard 'kick ass' treatment last night, at 12, because he was studying for his quiz. Anyhow, we decided not to smash the entire cake into his face, because it smelt good. Junta smeared some cream on Uncle's face and stuffed his mouth with some 'n' cake pieces. Then G started thulping the cake with some plastic knife level thingy and in a couple of minutes it was gawn. Poor 'Sink'! He didn't even get a single piece.

After Uncle cleaned himself up,( :D) it was time to go to Wangs, Vels.
The travelers:
Uncle, Bertha, Kash , Sriram, Chuck, Tina, CG, Synti and yours truly.

Uncle was in the grub monster mood. Synti and I had some good Talumein soup. Then we had Phuket Fish, Shangai Chicken and Dragon Prawns. Uncle liked the prawns so much that he ordered another plate of dragon prawns. I'm saying this once again ----> Uncle was in the 'thulp mode'. My vision was kinda restricted today, I dunno why, so I couldn't observe the 'Sink'. Anyways, we had some fun eating fried rice with chop sticks. It was good fun. We had some second thoughts about having dessert in Wangs, so we decided to go to insti CCD. I put so much fight and managed to reach CCD, unfortunately there weren't enough seats for all of us.

Hmmm .. then I ended up in my room and so did all of the other idiots.
I think Uncle and Chuck are trying to solve some Brainfk programming problem or something now.

Yeah I forgot to mention this ...
We tried to raise a toast to Uncle, the 'main man' of the day.
It doesn’t really matter what’s contained in your glass when you raise a toast, but Champagne is the traditional choice. We had water or 7 up. Light max only.
The attempt was lousy.
The most that one idiot could manage is "Uncle's name is Neti Maruti Ramanarayana Saran." :D

Anyways some LOL stuff about Uncle.
Arbitrariness, his ground volley fundaes and other gen max stuff. He is gen max only but stud boy only with his comp and all his gizmos and SAC abcd's.
He is the big bad LOL'er of the wing. He is the Undertaker!!

PS: Uncle maajarly helped me develop the 'LOL Theorem'. His contributions should never be forgotten.

I thought I'd seen everything.

Save the world!
Good Night!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Unfinished Piece!

Hell Oh!!

C to 5.

I started off with forty five. Why? I don't remember. Forty five became fortify, and then four to five. Meanwhile I was looking at my watch. The time was 3:40, and that is when I came up with 'C to 5'.

Roman numerals. C = 100. Centum.

100 to 5 = 3:40 p.m.


The amateur artist dabbled at art, but seldom produced a finished piece.

Who is this guy? Why couldn't he finish his masterpiece?

The denouement of this story is not obvious.

Good Night!
Save the world!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fermat's Last Theorem, Governing Dynamics and the 'LOL' Theorem.

Hell Oh!

First of all, don't let the title intimidate you. I know its not appropriate, but I don't care.

General Fart session 1:

Math Model for Human Reactions:
Let us assume that spontaneous reactions can be modeled by a unit impulse function del(t). However, observations indicate that not everybody is capable of reacting spontaneously to external stimuli. This implies that human reactions can be modeled as a filter h(t).

Emotional Content:
"If you love me, won't you let me know." <-- Violet Hill. Echoes is one totally awesome song, the lyrics are beautiful. Football is also beautiful. Ooh AAh Cantona ........... the United fans still chant ....
Eric Cantona
: "
An artist in my eyes, is someone who can lighten up a dark room. I have never and will never find difference between the pass from Pele to Carlos Alberto in the final of the World Cup in 1970 and the poetry of the young Rimbaud, who stretches "cords from steeple to steeple and garlands from window to window." There is in each of these human manifestations an expression of beauty which touches us and gives us a feeling of eternity."

Enough about football for now.

Hmmm now ... where did I go wrong?? I had a quiz today. I put up a decent show.

Damn these new LAN cut rules. I've got 10 minutes left to complete this post. I'm 'Usain Bolt'ing out of ideas.

Oh yeah .... I totally forgot my ole friend
Chcuk Nroris!!
(Sli math fundaes ..been mugging too much ... Correlation(Chuck Choop, Chcuk Nroris) = 0;)
Wing Junta have gone crazy about him. Wonder why? Come on, the guy counted to infinity, not once, twice.

I know the truth now. I never was and never will be .....
I like that song ....

Any how , any way , well ... I still have a few minutes left ...
What should I say?
I'd like to come up with a use for Fermat's Last Theorem in this 'Ordinary World'.
I think some guy with a 'Beautiful Mind' tried to do something like that. Governing Dynamics.
Hmmm ..... I wonder .....

X man : " Beauty is more dangerous than wine,it intoxicates both the holder and the beholder."


Good Night.