Monday, September 1, 2008

Fermat's Last Theorem, Governing Dynamics and the 'LOL' Theorem.

Hell Oh!

First of all, don't let the title intimidate you. I know its not appropriate, but I don't care.

General Fart session 1:

Math Model for Human Reactions:
Let us assume that spontaneous reactions can be modeled by a unit impulse function del(t). However, observations indicate that not everybody is capable of reacting spontaneously to external stimuli. This implies that human reactions can be modeled as a filter h(t).

Emotional Content:
"If you love me, won't you let me know." <-- Violet Hill. Echoes is one totally awesome song, the lyrics are beautiful. Football is also beautiful. Ooh AAh Cantona ........... the United fans still chant ....
Eric Cantona
: "
An artist in my eyes, is someone who can lighten up a dark room. I have never and will never find difference between the pass from Pele to Carlos Alberto in the final of the World Cup in 1970 and the poetry of the young Rimbaud, who stretches "cords from steeple to steeple and garlands from window to window." There is in each of these human manifestations an expression of beauty which touches us and gives us a feeling of eternity."

Enough about football for now.

Hmmm now ... where did I go wrong?? I had a quiz today. I put up a decent show.

Damn these new LAN cut rules. I've got 10 minutes left to complete this post. I'm 'Usain Bolt'ing out of ideas.

Oh yeah .... I totally forgot my ole friend
Chcuk Nroris!!
(Sli math fundaes ..been mugging too much ... Correlation(Chuck Choop, Chcuk Nroris) = 0;)
Wing Junta have gone crazy about him. Wonder why? Come on, the guy counted to infinity, not once, twice.

I know the truth now. I never was and never will be .....
I like that song ....

Any how , any way , well ... I still have a few minutes left ...
What should I say?
I'd like to come up with a use for Fermat's Last Theorem in this 'Ordinary World'.
I think some guy with a 'Beautiful Mind' tried to do something like that. Governing Dynamics.
Hmmm ..... I wonder .....

X man : " Beauty is more dangerous than wine,it intoxicates both the holder and the beholder."


Good Night.

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